21 February 2024

My Back in His Arms

He had my back in his arms

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders
As he brought more space to my neck

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders
As he brought more space to my neck
And I cried, relief, what a gift

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders
As he brought more space to my neck
And I cried, relief, what a gift
It is to be held where I hold, loved where I love

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders
As he brought more space to my neck
And I cried, relief, what a gift
It is to be held where I hold, loved where I love
So I surrendered myself fully, in trust

He had my back in his arms
And I remembered
What it is
To be so profoundly loved

Feb 2024

10 December 2022

It could have been real


This could have been a real celebration

There could have been more love

There could have been more safety

Did we really need to

Hurt so much?

Heartbreak so much?

Break so much?

We could have

Been living

With more trust


And harmony

But the monster




For blood


Dec 2022

My Accent


I will not diffuse my accent

I will let it flow
Round and full
So you can hear me
See me
Remember to humanise me

You and I are made of one
Golden earth
Our fruits are one
Our spices are one
Our water is one

We don't need to fear one another
For one, I am not obsessed with fire and explosives
And I choose to believe
You aren't out there to get me

Come back
To this shared air we breathe

I get your jokes,
You get mine

I understand your formalities
I see your kindness

I see

Dec 2022

02 December 2022

طول شعري


طول شعري

وطال معاه نَفَسي

توسعت معاه ألوان أنوثتي

وطلعت ألوان الورد في فساتيني،

أمد يديني بوسع عالمي "الكنكون"

المساحة اللي ترقص بينهم



من زمان،

بستان لذيذ جداً

اضطريت أرحل عنه شوي

عشان أرجع استمتع فيه أكثر.

طول شعري

وجاب معاه عيون ماي وطيور وفراشات

وأغاني من عبق رحمي

وبهجة من ضوا أحلامي

أغاني أغاني

أرقص فيها ومعاها..

شقد حلو

اني رجعت بهالقد لذة



١ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٢

26 October 2022

I'll Take My Time


I'll take

My time

I'll take

As much time

As the waves

Of my body


I'll take my time to sense into the ocean that is my endlessly rippling thoughts

I'll take my time to fetch the words that articulate precisely how I feel


Presenting them to you

I'll take my time to answer you

To comment

To respond

So please

Don't let this slowness fool you

It is not because I don't know

..Or don't know enough

It is because I know too much

And the moment doesn't always require nor allow for a

Flood of verbs and nouns and adjectives and concepts and wonderings and musings

To be

Let me


My time

To hand pick

What can be best said

Right now

Take my time

To delve into

The bottom of my truth

Take my time

To feel


To speak

Take my time

To trust

Take my time

To stay



To my truth


Oct 2022

02 August 2022

Ears to Wounds

"Happy birthday to you!"

I wanted to say

A few days ago

But emails and emails hitting an ice-cold wall

Taught me

To choose my letters wisely


Could have been

Not here

Fifteen years following our first meteor-shower encounter

We could have been

Looking back

At what was

At what happened


We could have been taking this lightly

You could have chosen not to be so ashamed of your doing

You could have trusted that I'd wholeheartedly forgive you, should you have just shared your heart a tad bit more

We could have not been tiptoeing so dramatically around a story that once lived, found its glory then fell and crashed

We could have been walking lighter away from it


You chose silence

I yearned for heart pours

And you chose silence

I ached for laying all the cards on the table

And you chose silence

I (just) wanted to shit out all the thoughts and feelings (and be seen)

And you




My biggest, hardest lesson, your silence has been

A gruesome teacher..


Your silence

Is the boundary

That teaches me

Over and over again

To take fully agency of myself

To hold my weeping raw heart and lift it up towards Mother Sun to heal by Her grace and light

To create space

In the canvas of my own world

To speak my truth


And be the ears to my wounds


1 Aug 2022

P.S. Happy birthday

28 June 2022











ضللت كثيراً

طالت بي الدروب

جرفني الألم والخوف


عن البيت



صبّوا فيّ اخباراً وأمصالاً

رسموا وخططوا على جسدي

قطّعوا ووضعوا وأزالوا


وأضافوني رقماً في سجل انجازاتهم

ضللت في متاهات العيادات ومواعيدها وردهات انتظارها ورائحة منظفاتها وبرود سكونها القاتم

ضللت في دوامة الخوف من تكرار التجربة

ضللت في خشية من أن أعيش

خوفاً من أن أرحل

أجّلت وأجّلت

وراكمتُ أحلاماً كثيرة

ضللت عن نفسي

ضللتُ حتى أشتقت


ضللتُ حتى شدني

قلبي الى قلبي

وناداني النور

وانهالت دموعي حنيناً

أعلنها اليوم يا قلب..



الى بيتي

الى نفسي


يوليو 2022

11 December 2021


أقول للناس أنني أمشي سريعاً

لأنني قصيرة

وتعودت أن أسرع من خطوتي لأعوض قصرها

انما في الحقيقة

أنا امشي سريعاً

لأن الطفلة في داخلي

تخاف أن تكون "مزعجة"

فهي يقال لها "مزعجة" عندما تجري

"مزعجة" عندما تأخذ وقتها

"مزعجة" عندما تبوح بما تُريد بدقة

"مزعجة" عندما تتألم

"مزعجة" عندما تُحِب

"مزعجة" عندما تغضب

"مزعجة" عندما يزورها طيف التوتر والربو

 "مزعجة" عندنا يتفجر شغفها

"مزعجة" عندما تتعامل مع المطبخ كمرسم وتلون ألواناً لذيذة

"مزعجة" عندما تهدي الهدايا

"مزعجة" عندما تَسهر

"مزعجة" عندما تقرر المكوث في البيت بدلاً من الذهاب الى العمل

"مزعجة" عندما تتمرد على خراء التخلف

"مزعجة" عندما تُحب رفيقاتها ورفاقها

"مزعجة" عندما تفترش المساحة بأجنحتها المتلئلئة

"مزعجة" عندما تخطط لمغادرة العش

"مزعجة" وهي تغادر

"مزعجة" وهي تسرد قصتها

موسيقى روحي سٌميت مراراً "ازعاجاً"

انما موسيقى روحي ملكٌ لي


أنا هنا

يا أحباء


كيفما شئت

أحرر نفسي من السرد القديم

أحرر نفسي من أصفاد الخوف

أمشي ببطء كيفي

أتحرك على نغم ما يُهمس بداخلي

أتعمق في عذوبة بحيرة قلبي

وأظل أفرد جناحيّ

أظل أرفرف

أظل ألوّن

أظل أضحك، أعشق، أغني، أحب، أتمرد، أحطم، أولد من جديد مرة بعد مرة،أعشق، أذوب، أطير وأعود، أصرخ، أحن، أعطي وأستلم

أحلم وأسلّم


أسلّم نفسي

لهوى نفسي


ديسمبر ٢٠٢١