21 February 2024

My Back in His Arms

He had my back in his arms

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders
As he brought more space to my neck

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders
As he brought more space to my neck
And I cried, relief, what a gift

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders
As he brought more space to my neck
And I cried, relief, what a gift
It is to be held where I hold, loved where I love

He had my back in his arms
In my sacred space
And I softened into stillness
As he massaged the grief away from my shoulders
As he brought more space to my neck
And I cried, relief, what a gift
It is to be held where I hold, loved where I love
So I surrendered myself fully, in trust

He had my back in his arms
And I remembered
What it is
To be so profoundly loved

Feb 2024

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